Mount Hospital – Perth
Mount Hospital is a leading private hospital and has been providing healthcare services to the Western Australian community for more than 25 years. TES Electrical was contracted to carry out a range of works, including the complete installation of lighting & power to the operating theatres.
Mount Hospital – Perth
The Project
TES Electrical were contracted to carry out the following works, including the complete installation of lighting & power to the operating theatres to AS3003: 2011.
Supply, installation and commissioning of the following systems:
- LV Switchboards
- LV Mains and Sub mains cabling
- Cable Trays and other Cable Support Systems
- General Power Distribution inclusive of Cardiac and body protected areas
- UPS Systems
- Lighting including examination lights
- Emergency Lighting
- Voice and Data Communications Infrastructure
- Security Systems & Access Control
- Fire Detection System & EWIS
- Nurse call System
- Generator, Fuel System & A.T.S (Automated Transfer Switch)
- Clock Systems
- Testing & Commissioning
Mount Hospital is a leading private hospital and has been providing healthcare services to the Western Australian community for more than 25 years. The hospital has 224 beds for overnight, multi-day and same-day procedures and provides a comprehensive range of services across most adult specialties.
All works undertaken by TES were within a fully functioning hospital, as such stringent co-ordination and attention to detail was required at all times to ensure all critical services were maintained throughout the duration of the project. TES worked continuously with the hospital management to ensure all their expectations were achieved.
TES’s works included for the upgrade of the existing SMSB, complete electrical installation to 2 x new procedure theatres and the refurbishment of 9 x existing theatres and intensive care units, and all post operation and recovery rooms.
Throughout the duration of the project numerous electrical shutdowns were required to enable the works to progress, these shutdowns included operating theatres, intensive care & recovery wards and general patient wards.
As such, prior to any shutdown being undertaken – full risk assessments, cause and effects & by the hour works programmes were developed and reviewed with the client. Every aspect of the works were scrutinized and back up plans established should anything not go to plan.

The project commenced in January 2014, and included the construction of a new northern expansion theatre wing. During the development of the new build, the scope of works was expanded to include the refurbishment and upgrade of 9 x theatres, extensive care units and recovery wards.
Completion of the project was achieved in April 2016.