Halls Head Central – Shopping Centre
To design, supply, install & commission the complete HV system, LV distribution, lighting & power, communications, people counting, PV array, security, CCTV, PA & generator systems.
The project included for the design and construction of the redevelopment of the existing shopping centre and the construction of the new 18,211m2 shopping centre including the new Kmart store, Aldi Supermarket and carpark area.
TES worked closely with the main contractor and Architect to ensure all works were completed in line with the programme and to the expectations of the client.

TES were engaged to commence the project in January 2015 and quickly established itself to provide a design in accordance with the project design requirements.
The works were completed in March 2016 with a substantial portion of the works being carried out in the final few months of the project.
TES’s resources for this project peaked at 38 operatives on site